Cancellation Policy


It is the owner’s obligation to guarantee that all bookings are honoured. Volvero recognises that an owner may need to cancel a booking at times. If an owner wants to cancel a booked trip, we encourage them to notify the driver via volvero messaging as soon as possible. Then they may proceed to cancel their trip through our mobile app or by sending an e-mail to The fee amount charged to the owner and the corresponding circumstances are listed in the table below.


Circumstances Fee Owner’s earnings
The owner doesn’t show up at the place and time agreed to collect the vehicle or he cancels the trip less than 6 hours before the trip 150€ 0€
The driver cancels a confirmed reservation less than 24h before the start of the trip 50€ 0€
The owner cancels a confirmed reservation more than 24h before the start of the trip 25€ 0€
The cancellation is carried out by volvero or by the owner 0€ 0€
If during the driver check-in, the vehicle result to be not suitable for driving on the road 0€ 0€
The driver does not show up at the place and time agreed to collect the vehicle 0€ First day of rent
The driver does not have a valid driving license 0€ First day of rent



If you need to cancel your booking, please do so as soon as possible so that the owner has adequate time to accept a new booking. A driver can cancel a reservation through the app or by sending an email to Whether the driver received a full refund, a partial refund, or gets no refund depends on the below circumstances.


Circumstances Refund type Fee
The cancellation is carried out by volvero or by the owner Full refund No fee
The driver cancels the reservation before that the driver confirms it Full refund No fee
After having inspected the vehicle, the driver considers that it is not suitable for driving on the road Full refund No fee
The owner is unable or does not take action to resolve a problem not attributable to the driver, provided that the problem is promptly reported to customer support Full refund No fee
Causes of Force Majeure (Art. 9.6 in Terms of Service) Full refund Service cost + first day of rent
The driver does not have a valid driving license Partial refund Service cost + first day of rent
The driver does not show up at the place and time agreed to collect the vehicle Partial refund Service cost + first day of rent
The person who shows up is not the driver who reserved through the app Partial refund Service cost + first day of rent
In all cases, the cancellation procedure is not carried out in the manner and times provided in the Terms & Conditions of the Service. No refund Full amount paid