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What is Volvero 

Volvero is an app for vehicle sharing that allows business and private owners to share their vehicles with those looking for one, leveraging the most advanced technologies with the aim of improving user experience and security for users.
Volvero is the first p2p car sharing marketplace in which access is guaranteed to both companies and private individuals where one can choose between cars, motorcycles or commercial vehicles in the most efficient and sustainable way, saving time and money.

How Volvero works

  1. Download the app and sign up
    Quick and easy access from your smartphone.
  2. Find the ideal vehicle near you
    Browse the Volvero app: enter a location and a date, access hundreds of vehicles available, choose one! Everything’s online: no more paperwork, waiting and hassle.
  3. Book your vehicle now
    Request the vehicle in the app and pay with the most convenient method for you. Contact the owner and agree on the delivery point.
  4. Enjoy the ride
    Pick up the vehicle and get on the road with Volvero.

Why Volvero

  • Affordable
    Find your vehicle at the price you prefer for a better and cheaper experience compared to the market. The price you see in the app is the final one!
  • Free cancellation
    Cancel for a full refund up to 48 hours before your trip starts. For Volvero flexibility is essential.
  • Coverage
    Safety comes first. Volvero guarantees complete protection for the entire duration of the rental, covering both the Driver and the Owner with the innovative Peace & Safety policy. Volvero Peace & Safety is an instant insurance for every specific situation, designed in collaboration with the best European experts in the field of Insurtech, Neosurance and Europ Assistance. The policy is automatically integrated into the user’s personal insurance to provide maximum coverage for any eventuality. The insurance is activated automatically at the start of the sharing period and works until the very return of the vehicle to the Owner,  so that users do not have to think about its activation or management.
    24/7 assistance & support
    All Volvero users are entitled 24/7 to:

    • Customer service for every need
    • Roadside assistance throughout the European Union
    • Legal assistance and protection (within policy limits)
    • Coverage for owners in case of increase of the class of merit
  • Unique technology
    Being one step ahead, Volvero adopts blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to be the most safe, optimal, and innovative solution on the market.

    Blockchain Technology
    Blockchain integration allows for the complete protection of the most sensitive data for the security of users (in accordance with the GDPR).
    How? Implementing the Smart Contracts for individual insurance needs. In addition, thanks to blockchain drivers can use cryptocurrencies as a payment method.
    Artificial Intelligence
    The Volvero app is integrated with an algorithm able to collect some user-specific data while driving following fixed parameters to understand the driving quality (eg: speed, acceleration or braking too abrupt). It is not needed to install any special devices in the vehicle. All the information on the driving behavior and the position of the vehicle are provided by the integrated telematic technology which is patented by Volvero.The collected data is protected and is only used for monitoring and insurance purposes. Based on this information, the driving score is calculated for each individual user and is visible on their profile. This way, we are encouraging the improvement of driving behavior and reward the users for being conscious on the roads.  Volvero aims to create a safe environment for everyone: the owners, the drivers and the community.
    How? The collected data is sent to a Volvero cloud where an artificial intelligence algorithm analyzes it and converts it into driving scores for each individual user.

With Volvero, find the perfect vehicle to:

  • go on adventure
  • relax on the weekend
  • have fun 
  • change your routine
  • …and much more!

The Volvero team has been studying the current mobility scenery for a long time to find the best way to tackle the existing problems and create a unique service that can be the solution for everyone’s needs.

With the Volvero app, available within a few weeks, you can rent a vehicle as close to you as possible, to go wherever you want, whenever you want, at the price you want.

Sign Up Today to be the first to use Volvero

Already available for pre-registration on Google Play