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“People come first” is not just an expression but a vision in the mind of our Digital Marketing Mentor Antonio Severino, Director at Wavemaker content.
An incredibly successful story that starts from the the classrooms of the prestigious IULM University and continues in the management of world class companies such as Amplifon and Spotify.
Just more than a Brand manager, Antonio is a goal oriented, detail obsessed and ambitious marketing (but that’s not all) expert that everyday works to build a deep connection between people and brands.

Today for “Mentors By Volvero” we gladly present to you one of our Top Mentors and digital marketing expert: Antonio Severino!

  1. How Would you Introduce yourself in 3 simple sentences?
    I am a curious explorer born in the south of Italy and moved to the Italian “City”, Milan, to feed my curiosity. My “marketing mix” is a blend of science and geekness with a spoon of creativity and fantasy. And yes, this is the third sentence.
  1. What is your main area of expertise?
    My main expertise is obviously Marketing, with everything related to it: from consumer’s behaviour to sociology, from fashion to technology…
    I am always looking for the chance to keep my curiosity alive. So basically also my professional background is super strong within the digital world.
    I try to do my best learning and testing new thoughts. I’ve founded my own startup that is like my personal lab. I am hungry of everything. Often the inspiration comes from other subjects.
  1. What excites you the most about the digital marketing environment?
    Good question, I could share a super long list. If I need to pick just one, probably is the fact that there are a lot of “rules” but there is no rule to win. Everyday is a new day, because everyday there is a change. This continuous evolution could be frustrating for someone: you are never totally in control. The arena is super complex and you need yourself always up to date, this is very exciting to me. There is no “finish line”, just checkpoints after checkpoints.

Let’s focus on the problem we want to solve and… solve it

  1. In your opinion, which are the 3 most important things for working as Marketing Manager?
    Accept failures, is maybe the first. In marketing there is a lot of “benchmarks and case histories” that inspires and gives to you the direction. But there is no chemical recipe. You need to try on your own for your business. Be hungry, my second point. Keep your position means move a step back, because everything around you is moving.  Last but not least: Be brave. Marketing means take decisions; you need to be coragious especially understanding when you need to.
  1. What really drive results when it comes to content strategy and social media?
    A great analysis. If you know everything about your industry, your consumers, your competitors, your products… you can plan at the best. This doesn’t mean an 100% success but is a basic: mix this with your intuitions, and keep it simple. As I said, in my option there is no magic formula.
  1. Tell us more about your experience with Volvero? How do you enter in touch with us?
    I met the team during IULM innovation lab, from  day one I can say they definitely appear curious and determined. It’s always a great opportunity when you find people like this and have the opportunity to work with. It’s never a one-way kind of collaboration, it’s more like an exchange. Talking about mobility and way we move, are topics that are at the heart of the main changes we will see in the next years. Volvero is disruptive more than we know now: it’s going to be a great opportunity to share a vision and not only a service.
  1. Last but not least … What impact do you want to have on Startups you lead?
    Question everything but also supporting them be brave. Let’s focus on the problem we want to solve and… solve it.

WOW – What amazing insights from Antonio, we are never tired of learning from you!