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Dear Volveroes,
Here is a travel tip for you – February is a month of Venice Carnival. While this year all you need is a stable internet connection to visit the event, next year Volvero will be there to take you to the party. In the meantime, scroll down for the latest company news and a short recap of the past month. 


New year – new trends

As we enter the second month of 2021 it is now possible to see what trends are going to shape the mobility scenery throughout the year
We spotted the increasing importance of real-time information as with the amount of uncertainty in the air drivers and passengers need some confidence. This is a part of a trend of creating a more customer-centric rider experience.
For many people, the pandemic revealed for the first time what a world with little traffic and clean air could look like. So now we are heading towards the design of new, healthier and future-proof mobility with the double speed.
The world is beginning to understand the potential of on-demand services, a trend we see continuing to rise as pandemic continues to shift demand unpredictably. So we will be hearing more about MaaS and Mobility on Demand
We are going to cover these and other shifting trends in a more deployed way on our LinkedIn page in the following weeks. Stay tuned!

A talk with a mentor


Mentor, Entrepreneur, Ex Professional footballer – meet Patrick Collins, who supports Volvero with his valuable advice! This month Patrick shared with us his story of professional growth, mentorship philosophy, tips for customer acquisition, and his vision of Volvero. Go to the interview.




How to build a start-up the ‘real’ way – instead of the ‘fairytale’ way? Check out a chat our CEO, Marco Filippi had with


Positive environmental change is one of the core missions of Volvero. That’s why we were happy to participate in Reacciona Por El Clima, a collaborative program between Chile and the European Union fighting against Climate Change.
Volvero was named as one of the Top Blockchain Companies in Italy (2021) by Daily Finance. Check our website and LinkedIn to find out what other technologies make Volvero so special.

  “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

Mahatma Gandhi

See You Next Month!