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An engineer with 8 years experience in procurement, and consulting, a Masters in Management from the Polytechnic of Milan and an MSc.Eng and B.Eng in Civil Engineering from the University of Cape Town.

Today, we are interviewing, an important player in Volvero team: Olukayode Alao better know as Kayode.

  1. How would You define Volvero?
    Volvero is your partner that through its platform provides real-time mobility solutions and gives you (i.e. either owner or driver) autonomy for your travel needs.
  1. What value do you add to the company?
    I lead the operations and business development arm of the startup. We are working to Go-Live in the market in the coming months and I am developing the strategy that ensures that we stay operational and can focus on our core objectives – our users.
  1. What is it that Volvero does Best?
    Volvero provides a secure platform with undistorted information about its users ensuring that the better drivers get better deals and owners feel more at ease with renting out their vehicles.
  1. What are the main issues we have to tackle in today’s mobility challenges? (what is the future of Mobility)
    Vehicle ownership models are changing as the younger generation are no longer driven to see vehicles are luxury items but a means to an end. The future of mobility also is moving towards carpooling and driverless cars and that’s the sweet spot where Volvero looks to fit into. Volvero mobilises users to to make use of existing vehicle resources and reduce the need for each individual to own a vehicle.

“Let’s Volvero to
work tomorrow”

  1. How do you think the mobility industry will react after Covid 19?
    it might not be so doom and gloom and I believe that we might not see drastic changes but research shows that the most radical changes come from this type of situations.
  1. Where do you think Volvero will be in the next 5 years?
    The trend of the sharing economy indicates that owners are open to sharing the use of properties and we can see this trend in businesses such as Airbnb, Couchsurfing, Uber etc to generate revenue. This trend including the general awareness of responsibility on how we impact our environment has made Millenials and the Z-generation to adopt different lifestyles. I believe that Volvero is going to tilt the balance once more in the vehicle sharing economy and in 5 years it will become a household name with statements like “Let’s Volvero to work tomorrow…”
  1. Why would you suggest Volvero to a friend?
    We provide a connection and community of vehicle users. As a strong advocate for environmental responsibility, I am aware that reducing the number of vehicles per person reduces our CO2 impact.

8. Last but not least… what is your favourite quote?

“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

Nelson Mandela

Very insightful, that is all from Kayode.