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Dear Volveroes,
Summer is in full swing but we are not planning to rest so let us share with you some updates on how we are gaining knowledge and moving towards our goal of changing the world mobility.


“Change is the end result of all true learning”

Leo Buscaglia


This month we are excited to welcome Amer Antar to our team. After seven years of working at Hilti, Amer has gained immense experience in strategy and launching services and commercializing innovative solutions through customer centricity. He is now pursuing an MBA at INSEAD, the worldwide known business school. Click the link below to know him better.

In the past month


You know that one of the main goals of Volvero is to make mobility more sustainable. Vehicles generate 20% of global emissions yearly which stimulates global warming.
Check out the tool we have recently found to see the changes happening in your city and remember that as Volveroes you can play a role in preserving the planet.



On July, 16 Volvero pitched at unicorn battle in Hong Kong. We rocked the stage and showcased our platform to the network of professionals from all over the world. With every pitch, we master our perfomance and are ready to storm the upcoming competitions.


Click here to see the pitch


What’s Next?

European Conference on Artificial Intelligence organizes Lab2Market, an event supporting startups and spin-offs. Volvero is one of the candidates for the competition. Follow our LinkedIn for updates on our participation.
Speaking of summer trips, we are ready to travel again to bring forward our innovative concept.
Indeed, we are packing our stuff to… Do you recognise the place below? 
Reach out for a drink if you are in the area!

  “Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.”

 Matsuo Basho 

See You Next Month!